Allright, so on the top 10 for this week I have my top 10 reasons to be vegetarian. I'm not one myself, not yet at least, because I'd never been interested on this until now, and as I'm living in Ireland I don't want to cause trouble to my hostparents or stuff like that. But I'm definetly going to try this summer, once I'm back in Spain, and here's why:
10- Loads of researchs have proved that low-fat diets (as the vegetarian one) prevent the heart-diseases.
9- Vegetal fats decrease blood pressure, while animal fats increase it.
8- Vegetarian diet is a really good measure to prevent cancer because of all the fibers existing on it.
7- Pasta without meat the best way (specially for athletes) to get loads of energy with not too much fat.
6- The most vegetables, fruits and cereals you eat, the most nutrients your body gets.
5- It helps to prevent diabetes.
4- contrary of what people tends to say, a vegetarian diet is not poor on proteins.
3- Getting interested on this lifestyle will give you more knowledge about your health and nutrient's ingest.
2- Is much more cheap than a diet with meat.
1- It's a complete diet as vegetables have all the sustances our body needs, and is more clean than water.
So, as you see, I tried to choos "scientific" reasons, not the typic "you're eating something with a soul".
Anyways, if you decide to take this as a lifestyle, you have to be conscious of what you're doing, make sure you have all your nutrients and don't make it as a fad. It's a very important decision on your life.
are you vegetarian? why? why not?
This is the real life.
miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014
martes, 18 de marzo de 2014
book: Whose life is it anyway?
I just finished this irish book by Sinéad Moriarty, "Whose life is it anyway?" and it's beautiful. it's about how an Irish girl with close-minded parents falls in love witha black guy. As I'm a foraign living in Ireland I can see and tell the inconcious racism that exists in this country. anyways, I wouldn't say "racism", i would just say "ignorance". it was my first time reading an Irish book - I think - and I'm actually surprised, in a good way. It such a good book that got me since the very first moment, and I just couldn't stop reading it. I thought it was going to be cheesy and dramatic but it wasn't at all.
lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014
getting stronger
allright, for this week, my target is to start working on a routine for my abs and buttocks. Why? Well, on a few weeks I'll be back to Spain for the Eastern Holidays, and I actually NEED a flat stomach by that date. So I'm gonna work on abs tuedays, thursdays and sundays and on buttocks on mondays, wednesdays and fridays.
it actually went pretty cool. I was gone for the weekend to dublin to visit my aun who camed from spain, and I had St. Paddy's day today, so I ended up skiping the videos on friday, saturday and sunday. Sorry! I had such a busy weekend.
But anyways, that's because those days went out of the routine, as all the other days I did it perfectly and with no problem at all.
it actually went pretty cool. I was gone for the weekend to dublin to visit my aun who camed from spain, and I had St. Paddy's day today, so I ended up skiping the videos on friday, saturday and sunday. Sorry! I had such a busy weekend.
But anyways, that's because those days went out of the routine, as all the other days I did it perfectly and with no problem at all.
martes, 11 de marzo de 2014
The silver linings play book
Hello guys!
Today I camed up with this book that I just finished. It's called "The silver linings playbook". And I'm pretty sure that you all know about the movie based on this book. Well, I personally didn't that it was based on a book. In fact, when I started reading this book I didn't know that it was the story from the movie (as the movie is called on a different way in spanish).
The book was GREAT, much better than the movie, honestly (as always). Don't get me wrong, I actually love the movie so much, but in the book it was easier to understand that the main character has a mental disorder as the book is written from his point of view.
It's so, so different from the movie. It's not even like they have deleted things from the book to the screem, they just changed the whole story at some points, wich freaked me out so much because as I already watched the movie I (thought I) knew what was going to happen next.
Well, I actually recommend you all to read it as is a very good book.
Today I camed up with this book that I just finished. It's called "The silver linings playbook". And I'm pretty sure that you all know about the movie based on this book. Well, I personally didn't that it was based on a book. In fact, when I started reading this book I didn't know that it was the story from the movie (as the movie is called on a different way in spanish).
The book was GREAT, much better than the movie, honestly (as always). Don't get me wrong, I actually love the movie so much, but in the book it was easier to understand that the main character has a mental disorder as the book is written from his point of view.
It's so, so different from the movie. It's not even like they have deleted things from the book to the screem, they just changed the whole story at some points, wich freaked me out so much because as I already watched the movie I (thought I) knew what was going to happen next.
Well, I actually recommend you all to read it as is a very good book.
Do you usually prefer the book rather than the movie? Let me know!
This week's target: A little bit of extra exercise.
Allright... So, as spring break is coming and I'm fatter than ever, for this week I'm going to make an extra 20 minutes of exercise everyday by following these videos I found on youtube. I'm going to do this everyday this week but tuesdays, as I go to the swimmingo pool, I get showered there and I don't want to come back home and start to sweat again.
The videos are in spanish, but even if you can't follow exactly this account, this post may have inspired you to do something similar.
Well, I hope you like this as I guess you're all making every effort to get skinny for the spring break (So am I, right now I'm putting all my efforts on getting in a good shape, as I'm coming back to spain for eastern and I want to blow everyone's mind!)
C'mon guys, just imagine having this body on a few months from now...
What do you do to ultimate your operation transformation?
lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014
Ready, set... DIET!
Allright, this last week I've been keeping it pretty fine, I'm already sticked on my old-good-habits routine (more or less), So, the other day I was thinking and... I realised I eat SO much. So I started a drastic diet that is going to last 3 weeks (the time where your body and mind get sticked into a routine). The diet pretty much consists of eating 700 calories on 5 meals a day (because I don't want to ralentise too much my metabolism). So, more or less this is my day:
-Breakfast: Apple + Yogurt (more or less 80 calories)
-Morning snack: Mandarin Orange (45 calories)
-Lunch: 1/2 margarin and ham sandwich (more or less 120 calories)
-Afternoon snack: Tea or coffee with milk and sugar (60 calories)
-Dinner: whatever my hostfamily has cooked for me.
Ok, so dinner is my biggest deal because is obviously so bad for my health and metabolism to eat that much when I'm eating that little the rest of the day. But I've nothing to do with it because as you know my hostparents cook the dinner and also serve it. And I don't want to say things like "I'm on a diet" because I don't want to worry them. So all I can do it's to try to eat as little as I can during the dinner.
I actually started this diet on saturday and since that everyday I feel less and less hungry. And I've also lost more than 1kg! So yes, I'm pretty happy with it. I'm supposed to be making some exercise- to boost my metabolism because the fast is ralentising it- but as this week I'm on my work experience and I finish everyday at 6 o'clock in the evening, I'm not able to go to the gym- any day. So all I can do it's to look for some video-home-workouts and things like that. Wich I find pretty boring- but I don't have any other chance!
To fight hunger and craving I'm drinking loads (and when I say loads I mean loads) of water, green tea as much as I can, looking at my phone's thinspo wallpaper or reading motivational texts.
This is my first time in such a drastic diet. Have you been in any diets? Did they worked? Did you regained everything after them?
PS. Alright, I'm not a doctor, and I've NO IDEA if what I'm doing is healthy or not. So please, PLEASE, if you follow me at this diet, you have to be responsable of the changes that it will produce at your body. I don't want anyone to sue me!!
domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014
My week!
All right! First week i'm writing down in such a long time... While I was missing here, some things did happen (Not many, though)
By the end of January (and it's sales) I went to Galway on a shopping trip! We had so much fun (even if the wheather decided to be awfull that day), and we ate so much food!
That same weekend I went to this Disco at my town. I was so excited because of the trousers I wore, because they're the high waist ones from Forever 21, and yay, love them.

And then, this week, I had my mid-term break, so I didn't do pretty much, I actually just studied and spent loads of time out; sleepovers in town, etc,
We had a party to celebrate one of my friends 16th's birthday and this is the most more or less decent picture I found:
(you really don't want to see all the other ones)
So yeah, nothing really interesting happened lately.
Here in Ireland there are mid-term breaks, but for example in spain we don't have them.
Do you guys have half-term holidays?
By the end of January (and it's sales) I went to Galway on a shopping trip! We had so much fun (even if the wheather decided to be awfull that day), and we ate so much food!

Then, last week, we had our school musical: Fame! It went great, after all our hard work, so yeah, I'm gonna miss it, because we were spending so much time on it everyday and now it's gone...!

And then, this week, I had my mid-term break, so I didn't do pretty much, I actually just studied and spent loads of time out; sleepovers in town, etc,
We had a party to celebrate one of my friends 16th's birthday and this is the most more or less decent picture I found:
So yeah, nothing really interesting happened lately.
Here in Ireland there are mid-term breaks, but for example in spain we don't have them.
Do you guys have half-term holidays?
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