viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

Ten wednesday: New year's resolutions!

Here I come with my resolutions this year. I want it to be a productive and a busy year, so I camed up with loads of things!

  1. Start to run! I've always hated to run but since I tried it a few months ago I realised how happy and accomplished I feel while and after running.
  2. Eat healthier. I've been always that kind of person that eats completely everything without getting fat. But since I camed to Ireland my eating timetables, the type of food I was eating, and my metabolism changed. So in this past months I've gained some kilos!! So I think It's time to start taking care of my body.
  3. Learn more things about fashion. I've never been a very fashionable or chic person, you know... But these past months I've changed pretty much, and I began to be interested in fashion, parfums... I'm not interested in make-up yet but I guess it's about time.
  4. Get a really good English level. I'm doing the english level exam from cambridge on may so I better improve my english! Now seriously. I'm studying here for a reason, and appart from having so much fun, I need to learn English!
  5. Read loads of books! I want to keep learning things and the best and funniest way to do this is by reading! I've always been a reader person, but for the last 6 months I haven't read a lot, because of exams,whatsapp, friends, twitter, school, facebook... And here is where we arrive to my next resolution:
  6. Disconnect more often my mobile phone. It's easier to be productive if you are not cheking your mobile hpone every five minutes.
  7. Be better at school. I've never been the hard-worker type of person. So for this year I want to work hard with the school and get productive!!
  8. Be more quiet. I'm always saying loads of no-sense stuff, and I've realised that people can get tired more easily of you if you don't shut up sometimes. So as I don't want anyone to be sick of my unfunny foolishness I better think more of what I say,
  9. Improve my flexibility. I've always said that I'm like a trunk; if you try to fold me I can break in two pieces. But recently I've realised that ist just about practising everyday... Is never too late!
  10. To write a blog. Well... I don't think this one needs any explanation!

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